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Northwest student receives national API scholarship

July 5, 2023

Northwest Missouri State University student Kira Kramer is one of four medical laboratory science students nationwide to be awarded a $5,000 scholarship by the American Proficiency Institute (API).

Northwest student Kira Kramer is starting a year-long residency at North Kansas City Hospital. (Submitted photo)

Northwest student Kira Kramer is starting a year-long residency at North Kansas City Hospital. (Submitted photo)

Kramer, a clinical laboratory science major at Northwest, began a year-long residency this summer at North Kansas City Hospital, where she will complete the practicum requirements and academic credits needed to complete her bachelor’s degree and graduate next spring.

She was awarded the scholarship based on her answers to essay questions with the scholarship application and letters of recommendation.

“I am beyond thankful for this scholarship,” Kramer said. “I am the provider for my family, and this program is very demanding, so financials for this year have been a stressor. Getting this scholarship is such a huge deal because it’s allowing me to pull back on working so much and focus more on my schooling.”

Kramer enrolled at Northwest in January 2021 as a marine biology major after completing some of her coursework at the Metropolitan Community College—Maple Woods campus.

However, a genetics course with Northwest Associate Professor of Biology Dr. Jeffry Thornsberry prompted Kramer to begin thinking about a different career path. Kramer soon realized how much she enjoyed working in the laboratory and decided to change her major.

“Genetics is very science nerdy stuff and learning about the super teeny tiny things in your body that make things run, and it was super interesting to me,” Kramer said. “I was never bored studying. I’ve always liked science, but I never realized how much until I was in the science classes at Northwest.”

In addition to Dr. Jeffry Thornsberry, Kramer praises Northwest biology faculty Dr. Gretchen Thornsberry, Dr. James Campbell and Dr. Alisha Campbell for their guidance and support to help her be successful in the degree program.

“They are some of the best professors I’ve ever had,” Kramer said. “They love their students. They want them to succeed and they are all a huge part of why I’m here, and I cannot be more thankful.”

As she begins her clinical training at North Kansas City Hospital, Kramer says she is excited to practice the knowledge she gained in Northwest classrooms.

“Between some professors and my love for science and the way things are taught at Northwest, it really pushed me into this field, and I couldn’t be more excited,” she said.

The American Proficiency Institute is one of the largest proficiency testing providers in the world, serving more than 20,000 laboratories. It offers innovative solutions and technical excellence for the proficiency testing needs of hospital and reference laboratories, physician offices, clinics and point-of-care testing sites. 


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215